Ethiopia Since the Derg: A Decade of Democratic Pretension and PerformanceSiegfried Pausewang, Kjetil Tronvoll, Lovise Aalen Zed Books, 2002 - 254 pages The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) took over from the much hated army dictatorship of Mengistu's DERG at the begiining of the 1990s. This book is the outcome of an intensive research and monitoring study of the growing gap between democratic aspirations and reality. It focuses on the elections held in 2000 and 2001 but also presents the wider context and issues including gender, urban and rural contrasts, class and caste conflict, and environment. |
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Democratisation in Ethiopia | 1 |
A Process of Democratisation or Control? | 26 |
Women Are Not Corrupt | 46 |
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2000 elections Aalen AAPO accusations Addis Ababa Amhara ANDM arrested Assefa Birru authorities Awassa ballot Beyene Petros campaign candidate representatives claimed complaints constituency context coordinator Dara Dara woreda debate Debre Berhan Dembi Dollo democracy Derg Derg regime Dilla EDUP election day election officials elections in Ethiopia electoral process EPRDF EPRDF cadres Eritrea Ethiopia Ethiopian People's federal fertiliser Galla Gedai Gedeo Gojjam GPDO GPRDM Hadicho Hadiya zone harassment HNDO human rights imprisonment independent candidates intimidation issues kebele officials land leaders majority Mekelle Meles Zenawi National Electoral Board Norwegian OPDO opposition candidates opposition parties Oromiya Oromo participation Pausewang peasants police political polling stations present prison private candidates re-election regional council registered reported ruling party rural areas SEPDC Sidama zone Southern region SPDO Tadesse Tigray Tigray region Tigrayan told town TPLF Tronvoll voters voting station women woreda election Wukro Yohannes